You can make a reservation for accommodation and request a diamonitirion from our Monastery by logging in to the website from the button.
To avoid confusion, we use the Gregorian calendar (new style) everywhere in the bookings. Although in our monastery we follow the Julian calendar (old style).
It is important to know:
- We do not accept guests who do not have a reservation or whose diamonitirion has expired - (4 days/3 nights!).
- You shouldn’t make last minute requests! The minimum period for a request for diamonitirio is 5 days!
The normal deadline is about a month in advance.
- We do not accept groups larger than 3 people.
You shouldn't make a second group to meet this limit! We just don't take many people at once. We do not accept more than one group from one reservation requester on one date.
- The stay in the Monastery should not exceed one day. We cannot from here give you more days to stay! This can only be done by the leadership of the monastery, only in a personal meeting.
- According to a decision of the Holy Community, governing body of Mount Athos, the visitor permits for Mount Athos (diamonitirios), which are issued by a particular monastery, ARE NOT VALID for the other monasteries of Mount Athos.
So, if you are going to visit another monastery with our diamonitirion, check in advance if you will be accepted with it when you book there!
(Our Monastery is disposed to accommodate pilgrims with a diamonitirion issued by another monastery as long as a reservation is made in advance.)