1. Your stay on Mount Athos should be in humility and reverence, as befits holy places.
2. Clothing on Mount Athos is very important. During the divine services it is necessary to observe a certain dress code: long-sleeved shirt, long trousers, closed shoes. In summer, it is allowed to wear sandals, but always with socks. Tracksuits, sportswear and clothes with inscriptions and drawings should be avoided. The same rules apply to children.
Do not go in the corridors and outside the Monastery in indecent clothing.
3. Orthodox Christian clergy and monastics should wear cassock or ryassa throughout their stay. During divine services in church and at meals, it is obligatory to wear a ryassa and veil (for monastics).
4. Cell phones should be turned off during the services, in church and at the monastery trapeza (refectory).
5. Non-Orthodox visitors during the services are allowed to stay only in the narthex of the church.
6. Your presence in the church, during the divine services, and at the monastery trapeza (refectory) should be as quiet and silent as possible. Be respectful of our schedule. Do not talk outside the rooms after 20:00.
7. Do not pick fruits, vegetables and flowers.
8. The use of TV, radio and music-playing devices is strictly prohibited!
9. Smoking is prohibited in almost the entire territory of Mount Athos, except in designated areas. Eating and drinking are forbidden inside the Monastery, in the corridors and in the rooms!
10. Hunting of animals, fishing and bringing in weapons and dogs is prohibited.
11. It is forbidden to bring meat and meat products to the Holy Mountain!
12. Be very careful when using incendiary devices and flammable substances to avoid fires, especially in summer. It is strictly forbidden to sleep in tents in the forest and any kind of camping!
13. Audio and video recording is prohibited on the territory of any monasteries, cells (kellia), sketes of the monastic community.
14. It is forbidden to photograph monks and the inside of buildings (church, refectory, monastic buildings) without special permission.
15. Pilgrims are kindly asked to vacate the rooms by 09:00-10:00.
The Icon & Gift Shop opens after Compline.
If you have any questions, ask the Archondars (Guestmasters).